DOI: 10.1617/s11527-020-01489-6
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Irradiation-induced damage in concrete-forming aggregates: revisiting literature data through micromechanics

Abstract: The radiation-induced volumetric expansion (RIVE) of aggregate-forming minerals causes damage in concrete exposed to high levels of fast neutrons fluence ($$>\,\sim \,10^{19}\, \hbox {n}\,\hbox {cm}^{-2}$$ > ∼ 10 19 n … Show more

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Cited by 29 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 94 publications
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“…Increased surface stresses from treatments can also in uence diffraction patterns, causing peak shifts towards higher angles. Radiation exposure in ordinary concrete can disrupt the atomic scale of silica, leading to amorphization and metamictization of structures, causing volume expansion, especially in quartz 21,104 The irradiation-induced change in minerals' elastic constants can affect the Young's modulus of aggregates, particularly those with a high silica content 103 . The irradiation-induced change in the minerals' elastic constants contributes to the Young's modulus of aggregates with a silica content of over 65%.…”
Section: Xrd Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Increased surface stresses from treatments can also in uence diffraction patterns, causing peak shifts towards higher angles. Radiation exposure in ordinary concrete can disrupt the atomic scale of silica, leading to amorphization and metamictization of structures, causing volume expansion, especially in quartz 21,104 The irradiation-induced change in minerals' elastic constants can affect the Young's modulus of aggregates, particularly those with a high silica content 103 . The irradiation-induced change in the minerals' elastic constants contributes to the Young's modulus of aggregates with a silica content of over 65%.…”
Section: Xrd Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, as the silica content decreases, the rate of Young's modulus loss with the amorphization index becomes less sharp. For aggregates with silica content ranging from 20-65%, the changing elastic properties of irradiated minerals may interact with RIVE-induced mismatch strains, leading to damage and contributing to the effective loss of stiffness in the aggregates 103,105 Peak shifting often occurs following annealing treatments and exposure to high temperatures before experimentation. Heating Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe alloys to 750°C for two hours did not result in perfect grain growth due to the pinning effect of precipitates 106 .…”
Section: Xrd Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…As it was noted in the previous section, the RIVE of rock aggregates depends on the RIVE of the constitutive minerals which are present in their composition. However, the sum of the RIVE of minerals is significantly lower than the RIVE of the rock (Le Pape et al 2020;Denisov et al 2012). The reason of this phenomenon can be found in the additional expansion due to the intragrain and intracrystalline defects, including cracks, which are caused by their damage.…”
Section: Radiation-induced Damage Of Rock Aggregates 21 Cataloguementioning
confidence: 99%
“…To establish a process for evaluating concrete degradation as a function of time, several research gaps ought to be considered. The following points can offer an effective pathway to address the research gaps: 1) Investigation of the RIVE of rock-forming minerals as a function of neutron fluence, neutron flux, and temperature (Simon 1957;Primak 1958;Bates et al 1974;Bykov et al 1981;Douillard and Duraud 1996;Yuan et al 2001;Mota et al 2005;Denisov et al 2012;Wang et al 2015;Hsiao et al 2017;Krishnan et al 2017aKrishnan et al , 2017bSilva et al 2018Silva et al , 2022Le Pape et al 2020;Okada et al 2020). 2) Investigation of aggregate expansion considering the inhomogeneous volume expansion of rock-forming minerals (Elleuch et al 1972;Hilsdorf et al 1978;Denisov et al 2012;Maruyama et al 2017b;Štemberk 2021a, 2021b).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%