The use of nuclear power on icebreakers makes it possible to radically change their autonomy and energy self-sufficiency. Increasing the reliability, safety, cost-effectiveness, and service life of the core for nuclear power facilities is still a priority, especially the development of new fuel elements operating under exposure to strong damaging factors.As experience in operating nuclear ships accumulated the requirements imposed on the core continually increased. Promising materials, specifically, zirconium alloys whose unique combination of properties determines their extensive use in water-cooled power reactors were studied in this connection. This led to the development of fuel elements with cladding made of the widely used alloy E-110, which is now the standard for nuclear icebreakers. Operating experience with more than 10 cores has confirmed that such fuel elements are highly serviceable; no cases of loss failure have been observed [1].Post-reactor studies on standard fuel assemblies from several icebreaker cores have been performed at the Research Institute for Atomic Reactors. These studies have established that the serviceability of such cores is determined mainly by the corrosion in the coolant, which depends on the thermophysical operating conditions, the operating time at power, the spacing conditions in the fuel assemblies, and the manufacturing technology and material used for the cladding. Specifically, hot-spot service corrosion of the E-110 alloy fuel-element cladding has been observed. The considerable acceleration of the growth of an oxide film on fuel-element cladding made from this alloy must be attributed to crevice and contact corrosion mechanisms. The corrosion of fuel-element cladding accelerates at the contact sites with the spacing lattices, where the oxide film is 2-7 times thicker than elsewhere on the surface. The inadequate corrosion resistance of the E-110 alloy cladding causes the ammonia concentration in the coolant to increase and can decrease the service life of the core.One way to solve the corrosion-resistance problem could be switching to a different zirconium alloy. Comparative tests of fuel elements with cladding made of E-110, -125, -635, ETs-1, TsZhKhV, and VTs-66 alloys, which represent the main groups of promising zirconium-based alloys, were performed in the loop channels of the MIR reactor. The maximum irradiation time was 2.65·10 4 h; the tests were performed in regimes with surface boiling of the coolant with the average heat flux density along the perimeter to 2.1 MW/m 2 and surface temperature to 350°C.In such tests hot-spot spot corrosion was observed on the fuel-element cladding made of all of the alloys tested except for E-635. After 2.38·10 4 h of operation at power, the maximum thickness of the oxide film in the nodules on the E-110 cladding reached ~250 μm (Fig. 1). For TsZhKhV cladding, the transition to hot-spot corrosion was already observed after 4·10 3 h, and the maximum thickness of the oxide film was 130-240 μm after (1.2-2.38)·10 4 h. The highest ...