32 1997 3 391-394 Effect of Neutron Irradiation and Annealing on the Intensity of the Copper Related 1.01 eV Emission Band in n-type GaAs Effect of neutron irradiation (E = 2 MeV, CP 5 1015 n/cm2) and subsequent annealing ( T I 700 "C, t = 30 min) on the intensity of the copper-related peaked at hv, =1.01 eV emission band in n-type GaAs (no = 2 x 1OI8 ~m -~) is studied. A strong irradiation-induced increase of the above emission intensity was observed testifying about the irradiation-stimulated growth in the concentration of copper-related 1.01 eV radiative centres (CucaVk pain). A model is presented to explain this effect. Msyse~o mumine HeirrpoHHoro 06ny.re~ux (E = 2 M3B, 0 5 1015 H/cM~) u nocnenyIou(er0 OTnomemoil aToMaMH Mem nonocbi n i o~m e q e~~s i c nonoxemeM MaKcaMyMa w3ny.reHm y~a 3 a~~o P IIOJIOCM nmmniecqeqw, cB~eTenbcrrlym~ee o p~Ha~omonuMynHpoBamoM m r a (T 5 700"c, t = 30 MWH) KpUCEUInOB n-GaAs (no = 2 X 10" CM-3) Ha HHTeHCUBHOCTb 06ychv, = 1.01 3B. HaBnIonanocb 3~amenbHoe BbI3BaHHOe o 6~y x e~a e~ y B e n m e H w e HHTeHCHBHOCTH BO3paCTaHHH K O w e H T p m W m Y w Y e M b I X aTOwaMSi Menu 1.01 3B U3n)ruaIoLWX UeeIITpOB (nap cU~. v, ). npenJIOXeHa MOnfXb, 0 6~b r c~x m 1 4 a r r 06Hap)CiCeHHbIfi B@#)eKT.