The traditional understanding is
that the Hinshelwood–Lindemann
mechanism for thermal unimolecular reactions, and the resulting unimolecular
rate constant versus temperature and collision frequency ω (i.e.,
pressure), requires the Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Marcus
(RRKM) rate constant k(E) to represent
the unimolecular reaction of the excited molecule versus energy. RRKM
theory assumes an exponential N(t)/N(0) population for the excited molecule versus
time, with decay given by RRKM microcanonical k(E), and agreement between experimental and Hinshelwood–Lindemann
thermal kinetics is then deemed to identify the unimolecular reactant
as a RRKM molecule. However, recent calculations of the Hinshelwood–Lindemann
rate constant k
uni(ω,E) has brought this assumption into question. It was found that a
biexponential N(t)/N(0), for intrinsic non-RRKM dynamics, gives a Hinshelwood–Lindemann k
uni(ω,E) curve very similar
to that of RRKM theory, which assumes exponential dynamics. The RRKM k
uni(ω,E) curve was brought
into agreement with the biexponential k
uni(ω,E) by multiplying ω in the RRKM expression
for k
uni(ω,E) by
an energy transfer efficiency factor β
c. Such scaling is often done in fitting Hinshelwood–Lindemann–RRKM
thermal kinetics to experiment. This agreement between the RRKM and
non-RRKM curves for k
uni(ω,E) was only obtained previously by scaling and fitting.
In the work presented here, it is shown that if ω in the RRKM k
uni(ω,E) is scaled by
a β
c factor there is analytic agreement
with the non-RRKM k
uni(ω,E). The expression for the value of β
c is derived.