Traditional medicine (TM) as well as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices have been used more frequently; since modern medicine has gravitated toward a dehumanistic situation due to the extensive workload of healthcare professionals and thus lack of time given to each patient and mistrust of patients due to some side effects of latest treatment options, in addition to TM and CAM practices having been more affordable, accessible, most often noninvasive, and seen as a hope during terminal periods of some diseases. In order to ensure TM and CAM complying with the standards as other healthcare services, it is necessary to address and evaluate scientific and ethical issues for these clinical researches as well. On the other hand, so far, the ethical side of TM and CAM has not been discussed in detail. Issues such as misleading information, informed consent, publications, patient-physician relationship, and confidentiality should be discussed within the framework of ethics. Ethical issues on CAM and TM research can be sorted as patient's autonomy and consent, principle of justice, patient-physician relationship, use of public resources, and health insurances. This chapter aims at evaluating CAM and TM research according to fundamental ethics principles, as well as discussing legislations on CAM and TM research in Tu rkey.