Naturalistic driving can generate huge datasets with great potential for research. However, to analyze the collected data in naturalistic driving trials is quite complex and difficult, especially if we consider that these studies are commonly conducted by research groups with somewhat limited resources. It is quite common that these studies implement strategies for thinning and/or reducing the data volumes that have been initially collected. Thus, and unfortunately, the great potential of these datasets is significantly constrained to specific situations, events, and contexts. For this, to implement appropriate strategies for the visualization of these data is becoming increasingly necessary, at any scale. Mapping naturalistic driving data with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows for a deeper understanding of our driving behavior, achieving a smarter and broader perspective of the whole datasets. GIS mapping allows for many of the existing drawbacks of the traditional methodologies for the analysis of naturalistic driving data to be overcome. In this article, we analyze which are the main assets related to GIS mapping of such data. These assets are dominated by the powerful interface graphics and the great operational capacity of GIS software.Undoubtedly, one of the most interesting topics related to traffic and transportation issues is road safety [16]. This is highly complex and goes beyond the number of deaths and injuries in crashes within a certain period. Road fatalities have a huge impact, not only in terms of the number of casualties, but also in terms of the costs related to caring for the injured people, the disruption of traffic flows just after accidents, and so forth [17]. For this reason, it becomes increasingly important to deploy prevention policies to manage infrastructures and road flows as well as to provide a quick and efficient response in emergencies [18].Most studies analyze road safety by considering the different elements that are involved, such as the vehicle, driver, road, and infrastructure. However, they generally do it by isolating one of these elements separately or assessing the interaction of two elements at most. Some recent studies suggest the growing need for integrating the maximum number of elements that can affect driving performance to ensure a bigger picture of the whole driving scenario. Thus, more light is shed on why a certain incident happens and under what circumstances [19].In the last few years, the naturalistic driving method has gained more relevance. This research method aims to characterize the driving behavior of people in real-world situations. In order to do that, the different elements and factors involved in the driving performance are recorded using a large array of sensors and video cameras inconspicuously installed in the vehicle. This equipment allows data related to the driving performance to be collected at high temporal rates. These kinds of data are collected using massive and blind strategies. They are massive because their aim is to collec...