I love what I do! Writing this PhD dissertation has been an intrinsically motivating journey. However, this journey could not have gone so well without the support of many. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisors. My main supervisor Arild Raaheim has given me informational feedback, space to pursue many research ideas, grant proposals, and research collaborations. He always looks out for me and my wellbeing, and his educational philosophy has inspired me as a learner and also how I would aspire to be as a supervisor. My co-supervisor Anne Grete Danielsen has been a motivator, statistical aid, and a collaborator who has helped me along the way. Her quick feedback during the day and evening, sometimes night, has provided me with the support needed to finish this dissertation. My last co-supervisor Vigdis Vandvik has truly been a source of inspiration. She always encourages me to apply for grants, collaborate with others, and always have time to answer my questions. I have learnt more from you than I can consciously remember. I have other researcher to thank that has not served as supervisors, but might as well have been; John-Arvid Grytnes, thank you for all the help, all the feedback, and teaching me how to apply to FINNUT. I look forward to future collaborations; Paul Adachi, you are a talented researcher who has helped me with statistical issues, and SDT discussions. Importantly, you are a good friend and I appreciate you welcoming me at the University of Rochester; Edward Deci, thank you for accepting me at the University of Rochester and always taking time to discuss theoretical and philosophical issues. You are a very special man, and I will always remember you and your advices; Sehoya Cotner, you have been a special collaborator and helped me along the way to pursue new and important research areas. You always look after me, and I hope we can continue our collaboration. I have many non-academic people to thank; Oddfrid Førland, I would never have made it without your help. I do not think I can express all the help you have provided me with, and you always have time to help; Cathy Jenks has been an important research assistant. Your excellent revisions have helped me publish, I am certain of it. I would like to thank the entire bioCEED family, both in Bergen and Svalbard. I have never met so many dedicated people in my life, and it saddens me that I one day would not be working along with you. Thanks to all my research assistants, you have made an important contribution. I would also like to thank EECRG, what a kind, welcoming, and ambitious group of researchers! To all the members of UPP, thank you for the fruitful comments and discussions, it has been important for me. Thanks to the MRG at the University of Rochester for helpful inputs at an early stage of my career. I would like to thank all the people who attend the 10 o´clock coffee at BIO. I have learnt many biological things from you, and it has given me a breather from the analyses and writing. Torstein, I have enjoyed collaborating, discus...