“…The activation map of Cluster 1 ( knowledge representation and language processing ; Figure a) is similar to other published meta‐analytic maps and reviews of language processing and semantic representation (Binder, Desai, Graves, & Conant, ; Bookheimer, ; Fedorenko & Thompson‐Schill, ; Price, ). The activation map of Cluster 3 ( Sensation, Movement and Action ; Figure c) is similar to other maps from studies investigating pain localization (Amanzio, Benedetti, Porro, Palermo, & Cauda, ; Friebel, Eickhoff, & Lotze, ; Perini, Bergstrand, & Morrison, ; Schomers & Pulvermüller, ; Vierck, Whitsel, Favorov, Brown, & Tommerdahl, ) in addition to the somatosensory co‐activation network (Smith et al, ). Finally, the activation map of Cluster 5 ( decision, emotion, and substance use ; Figure e) is also highly similar to the map of the structures involved in different aspects of emotional processing and decision‐making (Bartra, McGuire, & Kable, ; Buhle et al, ; Etkin & Wager, ; Lindquist, ; Phan, Wager, Taylor, & Liberzon, ).…”