Applying grounded theory, we comprehensively categorize capabilities needed for market-shaping and synthesize them into a conceptual framework that describes the process and its outcomes. We establish that in order to improve value creation in a market, market-shapers must consider a larger system of relevant stakeholders, recognize the institutional arrangements governing their behaviors, and foster new resource linkages within and across stakeholders. Based on our analysis, we identify eight triggering capabilities, which generate new intra-and inter-stakeholder resource linkages by directly influencing various characteristics of the market, and four facilitating capabilities, which enable market-shaping by discovering the value potential of new resource linkages and augment the impact of the triggering capabilities by mobilizing relevant resources. We show that triggering capabilities are context-specific, whereas facilitating capabilities are generic. We conclude that there are performance outcomes of market-shaping not only for the shaping firm, but also for other stakeholders, and at overall market level.