Plant pathogens are constantly evolving and adapting to their environment, including their host. Virulence alleles emerge, and then increase, and sometimes decrease in frequency within pathogen populations in response to the fluctuating selection pressures imposed by the deployment of resistance genes. In some cases, these strong selection pressures cannot fully explain the evolution observed in pathogen populations. A previous study on the French population of Puccinia triticina, the causal agent of wheat leaf rust, showed that two major pathotypes — groups of isolates with the same combinations of virulences — predominated but then declined over the 2005-2016 period. The relative dynamics of these two pathotypes — 166 317 0 and 106 314 0 — relative to the others present in the population could not be explained solely by the frequency of Lr genes in the landscape. Within these two pathotypes, we identified two main genotypes that emerged in succession. We assessed three components of aggressiveness — infection efficiency, latency period and sporulation capacity — for 44 isolates representative of the four P. triticina pathotype-genotype combinations. We showed, for both pathotypes, that the most recent genotypes were more aggressive than the older ones. Our findings were highly consistent for the various components of aggressiveness for pathotype 166 317 0 grown on Michigan Amber — a 'naive' cultivar never grown in the landscape — or on Apache — a 'neutral' cultivar, with no selection effect on the landscape-pathotype pattern. For pathotype 106 314 0, the most recent genotype was more aggressive on several of the cultivars most frequently grown in the landscape, but not on 'neutral' and 'naive' cultivars, and only in terms of its latency period. We conclude that the quantitative components of aggressiveness can be significant drivers of evolution in pathogen populations. A gain in aggressiveness allowed the maintenance of a declining pathotype, and even further expansion of that pathotype, in the pathogen population, providing evidence that virulence alone is not sufficient, aggressiveness also being required for the adaptation of a pathogen to a changing varietal landscape.