Enzymatic vitreolysis is currently the focus of attention around the world for treating vitreomacular traction and full-thickness macular hole. Induction of posterior vitreous detachment is an active area of developmental clinical and basic research. Despite exerting an incompletely elucidated physiological effect, ocriplasmin (also known as microplasmin) has been recognized to serve as a well-tolerated intravitreal injection for the treatment of vitreomacular traction and full-thickness macular hole. There are several unexplored areas of intervention where enzymatic vitreolysis could potentially be used (ie, diabetic macular edema). Recent promising studies have included combinations of enzymatic approaches and new synthetic molecules that induce complete posterior vitreous detachment as well as antiangiogenesis. Although no guidelines have been proposed for the use of ocriplasmin, this review attempts to aid physicians in answering the most important question, “Who is the best candidate?”