Normal cells, including fibroblasts, show density-dependent growth and form monolayers in culture. 1) This is quite different from cell behavior in vivo, where the cells are multilayered and surrounded by extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as collagen and proteoglycan produced by the cells themselves. The active role of ECM in cell attachment, proliferation 2) and differentiation 3) has recently been recognized. Artificial collagen gels 4) and insoluble ECM 5) obtained from various tissues have been used in studies on cell growth and differentiation. Type I collagen is a major structural protein and is found in large quantities in various parts of the body, especially in the skin, bones, teeth and tendons. A decrease in the production of type I collagen, or that of defective molecules, induces organ deformity or dysfunction and retards embryo and fetus development in extreme cases. [6][7][8] On the other hand, aberrant accumulation of type I collagen in tissues and organs results in organ fibrosis, such as in progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) of the skin, liver fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis, and also occasionally endangers the life of affected individuals. 7,8) L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is known to be a neutral bioactive agent, and its multifarious activities in many biological systems have been reported. For example, vitamin C increases enzyme activity [9][10][11] ; acts as an inducer of the collagen pathway 12) ; and scavenges free radicals as an antioxidant during oxidant stress. 13,14) An essential function of vitamin C is to act as a cofactor for the hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues in collagen, a major protein component of the body. Vitamin C also increases the transcription rate of procollagen genes and stabilizes procollagen mRNA. 15,16) Its ability to cure scurvy is possibly due to stimulation of collagen synthesis in connective tissues.17) However, vitamin C is unstable in aqueous solutions, even under normal culture conditions at neutral pH and 37°C. To solve this problem, a number of stable derivatives, including L-ascorbic acid 2-sulfate and L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (VCP-Na), have been developed. 18,19) VCP-Na shows antiscorbutic activity in guinea pigs, 20,21) and has a stimulatory effect on collagen synthesis in cultured human skin fibroblasts, 22,23) while L-ascorbic acid 2-sulfate does not show these effects.
24)We have recently synthesized a novel lipophilic alkyl vitamin C derivative, sodium isostearyl 2-O-L-ascorbyl phosphate (VCP-IS-Na), which is characterized by its high stability in various aqueous solutions, throughout a wide range of pH values, and its non-reducibility. 25) We have also demonstrated that VCP-IS-Na is superior to VCP-Na with regard to enzymatic hydrolysis by tissue esterase and/or phosphatase to give vitamin C. These findings indicate that vitamin C, released from VCP-IS-Na by enzymatic hydrolysis, exhibits these biological activities.Structurally, the difference between the existing vitamin C derivative VCP-Na and the novel vitamin ...