Summary: Alterations in local CBF (LCBF) were as sessed autoradiographically in the rat at several time points following photochemically induced cortical infarc tion, Cortical infarction of consistent size and location was produced by irradiating the brain with green light through the intact skull for 20 min following the systemic injection of rose bengaL A consistent pattern of altered LCBF was recorded in both ipsilateral and contralateral brain regions over the course of the study, At 30 min, a severely ischemic zone surrounded by regions of cortical hyperemia was apparent. LCBF was also depressed rel ative to control values in ipsilateral cortical regions re mote from the irradiated area, while contralateral cortical structures were mildly hyperemic, By 4 h, the zone of severe ischemia had enlarged and its margins were no longer hyperemic. Ipsilateral cortical and some subcor-