This study aims to identify and reveal human resource planning in MTs (Wali Songo, al- Muhajirin, and Nurul Huda Madukoro, North Lampung). It uses an interpretive paradigm with a qualitative-descriptive method. While the approach used is phenomenologicalnaturalistic, the techniques used in data collection are in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document studies. In this study, the interview material was adjusted to the research focus through the following steps: 1) determining the person to be interviewed, 2) preparing questions that will be the subject of discussion, 3) initiating and opening the direction of the conversation, 4) conducting interviews, 5) recording or recording the results of the interview, 6) communicating the results of the interview, 7) copying the interview results into notes by making a selection. Observations were made using participant observation, where the researcher was directly involved with the activities of the object being studied. Document studies are used to strengthen data from interviews and observations. The results show the implementation of human resource planning in MTs with a closed and open planning system. Careful planning of human resources is the spearhead for the success of education, especially in madrasa schools.
Keywords: Education in Indonesia, Human Resources, Madrasah