Rumah Bermain (RBP) in Bandung City reconstructed the Montessori Curriculum to Islamic. This uniqueness is worth researching. The objective research was to compare Education in Islam and the Montessori Method and to overview the reconstruction of the Islamic Montessori Curriculum in RBP. The research was using a qualitative approach with case study methods and literature studies. The results show that Islam and the Montessori Method can be implemented in harmony. In the reconstruction of the curriculum in RBP, Islam became the main foundation and the Montessori Method as supporting foundation. The foundations become a reference in the formulation of educational objectives. Based on the objectives, curriculum development was conducted. Starting from curriculum objective conducted by the team. Furthermore, the teacher implements the curriculum as instructional plan, learning, and assessment. The final stage is an evaluation using SWOT analysis, the results of which are used to improve the curriculum. In all stages of curriculum development, students' uniqueness and nature are respected.
Keywords: curriculum, Montessori, PAUD, Islam, curriculum reconstruction