“…Thus, the spectroscopic information on 8 Be states in the excitation energy region, E x ∼ (16.5 − 18) MeV, is yet lacking in the literature and some nuclear reactions involving the 2 + isospin-mixed doublet have not been sufficiently explored. Especially, only few measurements have been carried out previously [10,[29][30][31] on the 7 Li( 3 He,d) 8 Be transfer reaction with cross section experimental data being reported only in reference [30]. Indeed, Marion et al [10] have measured a unique deuteron energy spectrum at a laboratory angle, θ lab = 40 • , for 3 He ion bombarding energy, E lab = 10.972 MeV, in order to determine the total widths of the 2 + (16.626) and 2 + (16.922) states of 8 Be.…”