Herein, structurally regular dendritic trimethylolethane (TME) polyester is robustly obtained by polymerizing with suberic acid. Through properly modeled chain growth behaviors, differences of scaffolds forming between TME and glycerol polyesters are thoroughly discussed. The scaffolds of polyol‐polyesters can be easily controlled by adjusting feed ratio and temperature. However, to achieve regular dendritic scaffolds, apart from the monomer feed ratio of 1/1 and high temperature(80 °C), selection of proper polyols is much more important. TME with three equal primary hydroxyls tends to undergo pure dendritic growth, forming into regular scaffolds while glycerol with secondary hydroxyls is inclined to have linear and grafted growth successively, which results in irregular dendritic scaffolds. However, glycerol polyesters tend to have linear growth under mild temperature (40 °C), hence, regular linear scaffolds can be obtained. Besides, a scaffold determination and control system are built up, giving general guidance of obtaining polol‐polyesters with targeted topologies.