Aim:The aim of the study was to examine pathology and the distribution pattern of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in internal organs of chickens from a field case using immunohistochemical staining.Materials and Methods:10 groups of broiler, layer, and domestic chicken were collected from necropsy room Division of Pathology, Bogor Agricultural University. These chickens were originated from West Java and collected based on pathologist diagnosis as suspect of Newcastle disease (ND). They were subsequently confirmed positive of ND with real-time-reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay. The respiratory, circulatory, digestive, lymphoreticular and central nervous systems were collected for histopathology examination.Results:The gross pathology and histopathology changes were tracheitis, pneumonia, pericarditis, myocarditis, catarrhal proventriculitis, catarrhal enteritis, typhlitis, perihepatitis, pancreatitis, nephritis interstitial, splenitis, atrophy of Bursa Fabricius, and encephalitis.Conclusion:The distribution pattern of NDV in internal organs of chickens from a field case in this study is similar with a previous reported pattern in systemic cases of the internal chicken organs. High intensity of immunohistochemistry stain result was detected in trachea, lung, proventriculus, duodenum, cecal tonsil, kidney, and brain.