We investigated the distribution of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) in rat vascular tissue fixed by an osmium tetroxide (or glutaraldehyde) microwave technique and embedded in epoxy resin (or Lowiayl K4M), using hyaluronan binding proteins coupled to 15-20-nm gold particles as ultrastructural markets in a one-step post-embedding procedure. The intra-and extracellular aspects of vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cell plasma membranes revealed distinct
IntroductionOn the basis principally of biochemical evidence, both normal and especially pathologically altered arterial walls appear to be relatively rich in hyaluronan (25,36,53). A number of attempts have also been made to identlfy this non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan histochemically within vascular tissues. In early studies, the nonspecific glycosaminoglycan-precipitating cationic dye Ruthenium Red was used and electron microscopic examination of arterial walls fixed in its presence revealed a close association between testicular hyaluronidase-digestible Ruthenium Red-positive granules and arterial smooth muscle cell membranes (62). The introduction of biotinylated hyaluronan binding proteins as a more specific means for detecting hyaluronan (44) stimulated the undertaking of several light microscopic investigations for its localization in vessels of both normal and pathologically altered tissues (10,12,32,59,60,63). However, histochemical analyses using these probes have consistently failed to reveal a convincing relationship between hyaluronan and vessel walls, at least in normal tissues (12,32,59,60,63 hyaluronan in the vascular walls of several rat tissues was achieved using a modified histochemical probe (16).
Materials and MethodsSpecimen Handling. Adult (3-6 months) pigmented (wild-type) and non-pigmented (Wistar) rats were sacrificed by an overdose of pentobarbital. Pieces of abdominal wall skin 2 x 2 mm and 1 mm thick were prepared and immersed in fixative. Eyes were enucleated and the halfposterior to the ciliary body cut away. The lens was removed and the entire anterior portion fied; it was further dissected into 8-12 radial segments before dehydration and embedding.Microwave Oven Set-up. For all experiments, a conventional microwave oven with a maximal power output of 650 W was used. A water load (200 ml in a beaker) placed in a rear corner of the oven (34) served as a damper to increase irradiation times to 10 sec or more. Glass vials (24 x 40 mm) containing the specimens and 10-ml fixative were placed in the center of the microwave Oven and heated at maximal power output and a frequency of 2450 MHz.Osmium TeaOXidelMimve Fixation and Embedding in Epoxy Resin.Rat abdominal wall skin blocks and anterior eye portions were fixed for 2 min at ambient temperature in 2% (vlv) Os04 solution (in 0.2 M sodium cacodylate buffer; pH 7.2, 450 mOsm). They were then transferred to a microwave oven and heated until temperatures of 43-46'C were attained (-12 sec) (16). Samples were maintained in the fixative solution for 10 min at ambient temperature before washin...