“…The identicalc hemical environment of the two methyl groups virtually excludes a three-membered Si 2 Ge ring as the presence of the asymmetric Ge center in the hypothetical heavy cyclopropane 12 a would cause diastereotopic splitting of the corresponding signals. [12,13] The slightly lower field 29 Si NMR shift of 11 a compared to 6a can be rationalized in terms of the highere lectronegativity of germanium compared to silicon.T he UV/Vis spectrum of af reshly prepared and filtered solution shows the longest-wavelength absorption at l max = 435 nm (e = 11 110Lmol À1 cm À1 ), close to the values for silyldisilenes and digermenes( 7b:4 27 nm, [12] 10:4 26 nm), strongly supportingt he presence of an uncompromised Ge= Ge moiety.B ased on the accumulateds pectroscopic evidence, we are confidenti na ssigning the connectivity of a-chlorosilyldigermene 11 a to the main product of the reaction of digermenide 8 with Me 2 SiCl 2 (Scheme 6). [11] Consistent evidencei sp rovided by the 13 CNMR spectrum of 11 a,w ith twelve signals between 153.1 and 122.0 ppm that satisfyingly match,i nn umber and chemical shifts, the corresponding signals of silyl disilene 6a,w hile being in stark contrast to the eighteen signals in this range for cyclotrisilane 7a.…”