Abstracf.A prospective clinical and virological study on 44 patients with acute, peripheral facial paralysis was carried out in consecutive cabes during one year. In 9 cases varicella-zoster infections were serologically established. In 5 additional patient\ an associated varicella-zoster. or herpes simplex, infection was possible. Of the 9 confirmed cases, 6 were clinically diagnosed as zoster oticus, whereas on clinical grounds, 3 were regarded as Bell's palsy. No evidence was obtained of associated enterovirus, mumps, measles. cytomegalovirus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, para-influenza virus, mononucleosis or MycoplaAmu pneumoniue infection. Acta Otolaryngol Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by McMaster University on 11/03/14 For personal use only. Acta Otolaryngol81 Acta Otolaryngol Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by McMaster University on 11/03/14 For personal use only. Saleden Acta Orolatyyngol81 Acta Otolaryngol Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by McMaster University on 11/03/14 For personal use only.