In vitro studies of dark 14CO2 fixation with isolated cell aggregates of Kalanchocefedtschenkoi showed that malate synthesized after 20 Bradbeer et al. (3) to occur via two CO2 fixation steps: first, RuDP2 carboxylase was thought to fix CO2 generating two molecules of 3-PGA, which subsequently were converted to PEP; second, this PEP should be subject to a second carboxylation step yielding OAA, finally giving rise to malate. This hypothesis was based upon the finding that label in carbons 4 and 1 in malate was distributed at a constant ratio of 2:1 after short and long periods of dark CO2 fixation. Recently this contention gained some support from the observation of labeled 3-PGA after dark CO2 fixation of isolated cells of Sedum telephium (2). Reinvestigating the early reports of Bradbeer et al. (3) and Jolchine (6), Sutton and Osmond (10) reported that malate was labeled exclusively in the C-4 position after a short time of CO2 dark fixation in leaves of four CAM species, whereas after longer fixation times label also appeared in the C-1 position. These investigators attributed the formerly observed 2:1 ratio to an erroneous method of malate degradation. Additional insight into this matter was provided by in vitro studies of Kluge et al. (7). Upon feeding PEP to tissue slices of two CAM plants during 14CO2 fixation in the dark, the incorporation of 14C was stimulated, but the ratio of label in C-4 to C-1 remained about 7:3, similar to that of the control. This observation was a first indication that the labeling pattern in malate might not be a consequence of carboxylation reactions, but of reactions occurring after carboxylation. This paper presents additional evidence that carboxylation of RuDP is not involved during synthesis of malate in the dark and that label appearing in C-1 of malate is presumably due to the action of fumarase.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPlant Material. Mature plants of Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi were kept in an environmental control chamber at a rhythm of 9 hr light (40,000 lux fluorescent tubes plus red light) at 28 C and 40% relative humidity and corresponding 15 hr dark at 17 C and 78% relative humidity. Diurnal changes of acidity in medium size leaves were about 100 ueq/g fresh weight.Selection of Incubation Medium. At the end of the light period, pieces of 2 cm2 were cut out of mature leaves and the epidermis of the lower side was carefully peeled off. These pieces of tissue were floated on water upside down and allowed to take up 14CO2 in the dark for 10 min. After rinsing with distilled H20 for 5 min, the tissue was incubated at 25 C in 5 ml of various solutions, which were renewed each hour. Solution one was distilled H20, solution two contained 50 mm HEPES, pH 7.5, 0.1 mm Ca(NO3)2, 1 mM MgCl2, and 1 mm K2HPO4; solutions three to six contained buffer as solution two plus 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1 M sorbitol, respectively.After 5 hr the leaf tissues were rinsed with distilled H2O and extracted in boiling ethanol. The leakage of radioactivity from the tissues was determined and com...