Palisade parenchyma cells and spongy parenchyma cells were isolated separately from Vicia faba L. leaflets. Extracts of the cell isolates were assayed for several enzymes involved in CO2 fxation and photorespiration. When compared on a chlorophyll basis, the levels of enzyme activities either were equal in the different cell types or were greater in the spongy parenchyma; this difference is a reflection, perhaps, of the higher protein-chlorophyll ratio in the latter tissue. The distribution of radioactivity in the products of photosynthesis by each cell type was the same at various times after exposure to NaH'4CO3, and the kinetics of 14C incorporation into these compounds was similar. However, a larger percentage of radioactivity was incorporated by the cell isolates into the 80% ethanol-insoluble fraction and correspondingly less into the neutral fraction as compared to whole leaf. It was concluded that photosynthetic CO 2fxation is similar in the different mesophyll tissues from which these cells were derived.Compartmentation of photosynthetic processes between the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of C4 plants has been partially elucidated (6,15 The kinetic data of 14C incorporation into glycine and serine were markedly different in extracts of shavings taken from the upper ("palisade") and lower ("spongy") surfaces of frozen coltsfoot leaf which had been exposed to '4C02 before freezing (22). Outlaw and Fisher (25) found that the percentage of '4C in ths combined glycine and serine fraction from extracts of microtome sections of palisade parenchyma after pulse-labeling a Vicia faba leaf was smaller than in sections of spongy parenchyma. Moreover, differences in the internal organization of microbodies from the different mesophyll cell types have been observed (9). These observations suggest the possibility of differences in photorespiration. We have isolated palisade parenchyma cells and spongy parenchyma cells from V. faba leaflet, and determined levels of certain enzyme activities involved in photosynthetic carbon metabolism and the kinetics of photosynthetic '4C incorporation into various compounds.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPlant Material. V. faba L. plants were grown on Hoagland solution in a soil-vermiculite mixture in a growth cabinet, set on a 14-hr day at 21 C and 15 C at night. Irradiance from incandescent and fluorescent bulbs was 4000 ft-c at plant level.Cell Preparation. Young, fully expanded leaves were used from 3-to 5-week-old plants. About 2.5 g of leaflet, from which the lower epidermis had been stripped, were placed in a 125-mi side arm flask and vacuum-infiltrated (300 mm Hg, minimum pressure) with 20 ml of maceration medium. The medium was similar to that used by others (7, 17, 32) and contained 0.8 M sorbitol, 20 mm K2SO4, 1 mm KNO3, 0.2 mm KH2PO4, 0.2 mM MgSO4, 1 mM CaC12, 1 ,M KI, 0.01 MM CuSO4, 300 ug/ml Cephaloradine (E. Lilly). The medium was adjusted to pH 5.8 before adding 1% (w/v) Macerase (Calbiochem). The stripped leaflets were incubated at 30 C in this solution on a shak...