Innate lymphoid cells (ILC) are prominent in the human uterine mucosa and play physiological roles in pregnancy. ILC3 are the second-most common ILC subset in the uterine mucosa, but their role remains unclear. Here we define two subsets of lineage-negative CD56+ CD117+ CRTH2-uterine ILC3, distinguished by their expression of CD127. The CD127-subset is most numerous and active during menstruation and immediately after parturition, suggesting a role in repair of the uterine mucosa (called endometrium outside of pregnancy); the CD127+ subset is most numerous and active immediately after menstruation, as the endometrium regenerates. In healthy endometrium, ILC3 are spatially associated with glandular epithelial and endothelial cells, which both express receptors for the ILC3-derived cytokines, IL-22 and IL-8. In the eutopic endometrium of people with endometriosis, ILC3 are located further from glandular epithelial and endothelial cells suggesting that these cells may be less exposed to ILC3 products, potentially with negative consequences for endometrial regeneration. Our findings highlight the dynamic nature of ILC3 in the uterine mucosa and suggest their primary role is in repair and regeneration. An improved understanding of uterine ILC3 will inform future research on endometrial health and disease.