The photochemical reactions of tetraphenyldiphosphine, triphenylphosphine, and diphenylphosphine in alcohol were studied by flash photolysis and product analysis. The primary photochemical process of all three phosphines studied appeared to be the formation of diphenylphosphinyl radicals which subsequently abstract a-H atoms from the solvent alcohol. The relationship between the rate constants of the abstraction and the a-H bond energies of various alcohols was examined.Les reactions photochimiques de la tktraphknyldiphosphine et des di-et triphknylphosphines ont kt6 ttudiks, dans l'alcool, par photolyse "flash" et par analyse des produits. Le processus photochimique prirnaire pour les trois phosphines semble &tre la formation de radicaux diphknylphosphinyles qui arrachent subs6quemment des atomes d'hydrogkne-a de I'alcool utilisk cornrne solvant. Une relation entre les constantes de vitesse d'abstraction et les energies de liaison des hydrogenes-a de divers alcools a etk examink.