Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) links tRNAIle with not only its cognate isoleucine but also the nearly cognate valine. The CP1 domain of IleRS deacylates, or edits, the mischarged Val-tRNA Ile . We determined the crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus IleRS CP1 domain alone, and in its complex with valine at 1.8-and 2.0-Å resolutions, respectively. In the complex structure, the Ile bound in the IleRS editing site revealed some interesting differences in the substrate binding and recognizing mechanisms between IleRS and T. thermophilus leucyl-tRNA synthetase. For example, the carbonyl oxygens of the amino acids are located opposite to each other, relative to the adenosine ribose ring, and are differently recognized.
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs)1 catalyze the esterification of an amino acid to its cognate tRNA. This reaction proceeds in two steps: the synthesis of an aminoacyladenylate, as an activated intermediate, from the amino acid and ATP, and the transfer of the aminoacyl moiety to the 3Ј-terminal of the cognate tRNA to yield the aminoacyl-tRNA (1). To maintain accurate protein biosynthesis, each aaRS must discriminate between its cognate amino acid and other similar amino acids (2, 3). Some aaRSs, including the isoleucyl-, leucyl-, and valyltRNA synthetases (IleRS, LeuRS, and ValRS, respectively), have a specific editing activity that hydrolyzes the misaminoacylated tRNAs ("post-transfer editing") (4 -6). For example, IleRS also recognizes valine, which is smaller than the cognate isoleucine by only one methylene group, and mischarges it with tRNA Ile . Then, the mischarged Val-tRNA Ile is hydrolyzed to valine and tRNA Ile in the post-transfer editing pathway. As for IleRS, another editing pathway (pre-transfer editing) also exists, in which the misactivated Val-AMP is directly hydrolyzed to valine and AMP in the presence of tRNA Ile (7,8). Biochemical experiments linked the specific location of the editing site to the connective polypeptide 1 (CP1) domain, a large insertion in the aminoacylation catalytic Rossmann-fold domain (9).Previously, we determined the crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus full-length IleRS complexed with isoleucine and with valine and showed that the editing site is in the highly conserved threonine-rich region of the CP1 domain (10). In addition, the crystal structure of Staphylococcus aureus IleRS complexed with tRNA Ile and mupirocin (an analogue of isoleucyl-adenylate) revealed that the 3Ј-terminal of tRNA Ile is located in the CP1 domain (although it was not completely resolved) (11). This suggested that when a nearly cognate amino acid is charged to a tRNA, the acceptor stem flips from the aminoacylation site to the editing site, while the rest of the tRNA remains bound. However, the B factors of many atoms in the CP1 domains of these structures were high and some residues were disordered, since the CP1 domain is quite mobile relative to the rest of the protein (10, 11). Furthermore, in our previous study (10), the omit map electron density for valine...