The β-decay half-lives of 110 neutron-rich isotopes of the elements from 37 Rb to 50 Sn were measured at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. The 40 new half-lives follow robust systematics and highlight the persistence of shell effects. The new data have direct implications for r-process calculations and reinforce the notion that the second (A ≈ 130) and the rare-earth-element (A ≈ 160) abundance peaks may result from the freeze-out of an ðn; γÞ ⇄ ðγ; nÞ equilibrium. In such an equilibrium, the new half-lives are important factors determining the abundance of rare-earth elements, and allow for a more reliable discussion of the PRL 114, 192501 (2015) P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending 15 MAY 2015 0031-9007=15=114(19)=192501 (7) 192501-1 © 2015 American Physical Society r process universality. It is anticipated that universality may not extend to the elements Sn, Sb, I, and Cs, making the detection of these elements in metal-poor stars of the utmost importance to determine the exact conditions of individual r-process events. Introduction.-The origin of the heavy elements from iron to uranium is one of the main open questions in science. The slow neutron-capture (s) process of nucleosynthesis [1,2], occurring primarily in helium-burning zones of stars, produces about half of the heavy element abundance in the universe. The remaining half requires a more violent process known as the rapid neutron-capture (r) process [3][4][5][6]. During the r process, in environments of extreme temperatures and neutron densities, a reaction network of neutron captures and β decays synthesizes very neutron-rich isotopes in a fraction of a second. These isotopes, upon exhaustion of the supply of free neutrons, decay into the stable or semistable isotopes observed in the solar system. However, none of the proposed stellar models, including explosion of supernovae [7][8][9][10][11][12] and merging neutron stars [13][14][15][16], can fully explain abundance observations. The mechanism of the r process is also uncertain. At temperatures of one billion degrees or more, photons can excite unstable nuclei which then emit neutrons, thus, counteracting neutron captures in an ðn; γÞ ⇄ ðγ; nÞ equilibrium that determines the r process. These conditions may be found in the neutrino-driven wind following the collapse of a supernova core and the accreting torus formed around the black hole remnant of merging neutron stars. Alternatively, recent r-process models have shown that the r process is also possible at lower temperatures or higher neutron densities where the contribution from ðγ; nÞ reactions is minor. These conditions are expected in supersonically expanding neutrino-driven outflow in low-mass supernovae progenitors (e.g., 8 − 12 M ⊙ ) or prompt ejecta from neutron star mergers [17]. The final abundance distribution may also be dominated by postprocessing effects such as fission of heavy nuclei (A ≳ 280) possibly produced in merging neutron stars [18].New clues about the r process have come from the discovery of de...