Studies on the manner of combination of NazO in portland cement clinker have revealed crystalline phases of chemical composition near that of 2CaO.SiOz, but possessing properties quite different from those heretofore reported for the {3 form of this compound. These phases result when certain compositions in the quaternary systems NazO-CaO-AhOa-Si02 and NazO-CaO-Fe20a-SiOz are quenched from high temperatures. Optical, thermal, and X-ray diffraction data have been obtained which indicate that they are solid solutions of NazO and Ah03 and of NazO and FezOa, in a high-temperature form of 2CaO.SiOz having a hexagonal structure. There is also evidence that this hexagonal lattice is the fundamental structure of the a form of 2CaO.SiOz.In the pure compound the a-{3 inversion temperature has been reported to be 1,420° ± 2° C, whereas in the phases described in this paper the transformation temperature may be lowered by as much as 245° C, e. g., to 1,175°± 10° C. The inversion from a to {3 is accompanied by considerable ex-solution of dissolved material, showing that the extent of solid solution of these oxides in {3-2CaO.SiOz is much less than in the a form. As a result of this precipitation the grains of {3