For any surface Σ of infinite topological type, we study the Torelli subgroup I(Σ) of the mapping class group MCG(Σ), whose elements are those mapping classes that act trivially on the homology of Σ. Our first result asserts that I(Σ) is topologically generated by the subgroup of MCG(Σ) consisting of those elements in the Torelli group which have compact support. In particular, using results of Birman [4], Powell [24], and Putman [25] we deduce that I(Σ) is topologically generated by separating twists and bounding pair maps. Next, we prove the abstract commensurator group of I(Σ) coincides with MCG(Σ). This extends the results for finite-type surfaces [9,6,7,16] to the setting of infinite-type surfaces.