The notion of Jacobson graph and n-array Jacobson graph of a commutative ring were introduced in 2012 and 2018, respectively, by Azimi et al and Ghayour et al. In this article we generalize them to matrix Jacobson graph. Let R be a commutative ring. The matrix Jacobson graph of a ring R, denoted
, is defined as a graph with vertex set is the set of matrix of ring without the matrix of its Jacobson such that two distinct vertices A, B are adjacent if and only if 1 − det(AtB) is not a unit of ring. In this article we study the matrix Jacobson graph where the underlying ring R is a finite field. Since any matrix of size m × n over a field F can be considered as a linear mapping from linear space Fm
to Fn
, we employ the structure of linear mappings on finite dimensional vector spaces to derive some properties of square and non square matrix Jacobson graph of fields, including their diameters.