Induction of the fetal hypertrophic marker gene beta-myosin heavy chain (β-MyHC) is a signature feature of pressure overload hypertrophy in rodents. β-MyHC is assumed present in all or most enlarged myocytes.
To quantify the number and size of myocytes expressing endogenous β-MyHC using a flow cytometry approach.
Methods and Results
Myocytes were isolated from the LV of male C57Bl/6J mice after transverse aortic constriction (TAC), and the fraction of cells expressing endogenous β-MyHC was quantified by flow cytometry on 10,000–20,000 myocytes, using a validated β-MyHC antibody. Side scatter by flow cytometry in the same cells was validated as an index of myocyte size. β-MyHC-positive myocytes were 3±1% of myocytes in control hearts (n=12), increasing to 25±10% at 3d-6w after TAC (n=24, p<0.01). β-MyHC-positive myocytes did not enlarge with TAC, and were smaller at all times than myocytes without β-MyHC (~70% as large, p<0.001). β-MyHC-positive myocytes arose by addition of β-MyHC to α-MyHC, and had more total MyHC after TAC than did the hypertrophied myocytes that had α-MyHC only. Myocytes positive for β-MyHC were found in discrete regions of the LV, in 3 patterns, peri-vascular, in areas with fibrosis, and in apparently normal myocardium.
β-MyHC protein is induced by pressure overload in a minor sub-population of smaller cardiac myocytes. The hypertrophied myocytes after TAC have α-MyHC only. These data challenge the current paradigm of the fetal hypertrophic gene program, and identify a new sub-population of smaller working ventricular myocytes with more myosin.