For the life of the body is more than the sum of the properties of the cells of which it is composed. D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (based on a statement by Goethe)l F undamental to evolution in biology has been the trend toward growing complexity, from the molecular to the cellular level, toward multicellularity, and finally the whole-organ level. At any level, biological systems are composed of interacting subsystems, which in turn are also systems, albeit on a smaller scale. Interaction between subsystems may add entirely new properties to the composite system. In the cardiovascular system, consideration of the interaction between the left ventricle and arterial load and the efficiency of this interaction is not new.2-4 In the heart, already on smaller scales, several interaction processes seem to be incorporated as we move up from a subcellular to the whole-organ level (Figure 1). From the subsequent discussion on ventricular function, it will follow that interaction processes constitute an essential and obligatory property of ventricular function, in which the mechanisms involved are still largely unknown. Therefore, one cannot easily extrapolate from mere subcellular or molecular events to whole-organ function without considering these interaction processes at increasingly larger levels.Several interaction processes have been considered at different levels. We will focus on three of these: Upgrading of system performance through interaction of subsystems, uniformity of system performance through interaction of subsystems, and modulation of system performance through cell communication.Upgrading of System Performance Through Interaction of Subsystems The most generally accepted model of cardiac contraction at the molecular level is the cyclical attachment and detachment of the globular portionThe opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the editors