“…[14] Besides, the PA of aw ater dimer is 808 kJ mol À1 (8.4 eV), [15] and it has been predicted, theoretically,t hat the PA of water clusters in- creasesw ithi ncreasing size of the clusterw ith bulk water, reachingP A= 1130 kJ mol À1 (11.7 eV). [1,17,18] Besides,U ggeruda nd co-workers have shown [1] that the preference for N-protonationo fP yi sa lso retained in the PyH + (H 2 O) n clusters for n = 1-6, that is, for all sizes, no single potentiale nergy minimum was located in which the protonisa ttached to water. [1,17,18] Besides,U ggeruda nd co-workers have shown [1] that the preference for N-protonationo fP yi sa lso retained in the PyH + (H 2 O) n clusters for n = 1-6, that is, for all sizes, no single potentiale nergy minimum was located in which the protonisa ttached to water.…”