Allozyme spectra of peroxidase, esterase, superoxid dismutase, tyrosinase, alcohol dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, and acid phosphatase were examined in populations of sexual ( Taraxacum serotinum and Pilosella echioides ) and apomictic ( T. officinale and P. officinarum ) plant species. The heterozygosity in these populations (0. 455-0.620) proved to be considerably higher than the average level characteristic of plant populations (0.058-0.185). The populations examined did not differ in the mean phenotype number µ , i.e., they exhibited the same diversity (3.188-3.380). The proportion of rare phenotypes h also did not differ between the sexual and apomictic species of the same genus, whereas this parameter in the Pilosella populations (0.150-0.174) was significantly higher than in the Taraxacum ones (0.093-0.114). The populations were characterized by numerous isozyme spectra (more than 11 per populations) and displayed multiple allelism (the mean allele frequency was 3.63-4.38 per locus). They exhibited a high percentage of rare (occurring at a frequency lower than 5%) spectra (35-80%). This indicates that agamic complexes, to which these populations belong, may have a more complicated genetic structure of both apomictic and sexual populations than the species that do not belong to agamic complexes.