In Kazakhstan, there are colossal changes in the entire education system, which should lead to radical transformations not only in education, but also in the entire economy. In the republic, one of the most promising novelties in modern educational technologies is dual education. Since the development of the economy requires an influx of qualified personnel, in recent years the demand for trained and competent specialists has been growing. However, it is not a secret for anyone that the knowledge and business, working skills of the majority of graduates of educational institutions - specialized, higher - do not completely coincide with the real requirements of industries, companies, organizations. As a rule, it requires additional teaching to get the right specialist, which, in turn, takes time and money for additional training, and besides, there are losses in the work process due to the inferiority of the employee. Hence the necessity follows dictated by the life itself, in the process of training future specialists, along with theoretical knowledge, to teach practical skills oriented towards real production and organization It also makes sense to partly orient the theoretical basis of training to a specific production, business process. In fact, we are talking about a kind of symbiosis of theory and practice, for the implementation of which we need different actions. State - for the legislative basis of dual education. Scientific - for the preparation of guidelines for the organization of this form of training. Organizational - for the formation of new target associations, such as research and production centers, various collaborations of educational and industrial, business formations. At the same time, a special role in the implementation of dual technologies is assigned to mentoring young people.