This paper tries to present a portrait of the relationship that exists between Arabic grammar or nahwu and nerves and power. The power referred to here is political power and scientific power, both of which are very important factors in the growth and development of a science. The science of nahwu and neuroscience, which in its development is divided into several schools which are attributed to the area of their emergence, was pioneered and raised by two schools, namely the Basrah and Kufa. In their contact with political power, these two schools have many productive relationships in which the political leaders of their time initiated the emergence of nahwu science and supported its development and were close to the ulama. Meanwhile, with the power of science, the two schools are dialectically related and finally the Basrah school has a lot of hegemony on the Kufa school. This is shown in various aspects in the tarjih phase. Many of the rules and terms used by the scholars of the Basrah school were won over the Kufa school and are still used and studied as a single nahwu science to this day.