One of the main objectives of the ITACA (ITalian ACcelerometric Archive) strong motion database, promoted by the Italian Department of Civil Protection, was to improve the characterization of the recording sites from a geological and geophysical point of view and to provide their seismic classification according to the seismic norms pertinent to Italy, namely the Eurocode 8 and the National Technical Norms for Constructions. A standard format to summarize the available information for the recording stations was first produced, in terms of a technical report dynamically linked to the database, i.e., some of the relevant information is automatically updated when the corresponding fields of the database are modified. Then, an important activity of collection, qualification and synthesis of available data was carried out, especially for stations that recorded the strongest earthquakes in Italy in the last 40 years, and for which a relevant number of studies have been published. In spite of this activity, among the more than 700 strong motion stations present in the ITACA database, only a limited number of them could be characterized by quantitative information on subsurface soil properties. For this reason, a dual seismic site classification criterion was implemented, either based on the standard V s,30 scheme, or, in the absence of such information, based on an expert opinion supported by shallow geology maps, mostly at 1:100,000 scale, and when available on the H/V ratios calculated on recordings. Owing 123 1780 Bull Earthquake Eng (2011Eng ( ) 9:1779Eng ( -1796 to the relevance in the Italian geographic and morphological context, a special care was also given to the topographic classification of stations, based on suitable criteria developed within a GIS environment.