“…The analysis of variance of the associative matching data revealed significant main effects for pronunciation (F=7.1S, df=1/36, p< .02) and trials (F=15.39, df=1/36, p< .01), but the interaction was not Significant (F< 1). The significant main effect for trials in both analyses and the absence of a significant trials by direction of recall interaction in the MFR analysis indicate that incidental associative learning increased bidirectionally with degree of practice on the VD task, a finding in agreement with that of Mechanic (1962) for a different Type 2 situation and with Kausler & Sardello (1967) for free recall of W and R items in a VD task. The significant main effect for pronunciation in both analyses and the absence of a pronunciation by direction of recall interaction in MFR analysis suggest that overt verbalization increases the associative connections between W and R items symmetrically.…”