With an ever-increasing amount of data, it is essential for many systems that documents can be retrieved efficiently.The process of information retrieval can be supported by metadata enrichment of the documents. The aim of thiswork is to make scientific publications and project descriptions, consisting of titles, abstracts and bibliographicalreferences, easier to find. Therefore, we investigate text analytical methods such as keyword extraction algorithms(TFIDF, Log-Likelihood, RAKE, TAKE and KECNW) and classification approaches using a SVM withensembles of classifier chains (Web of Science and GEPRIS categories as taxonomies) and compare their quality.We present an altered an optimized keyword extraction algorithm and a supervised subject and keywordclassification approach which are, to our knowledge so far, one of the first automatic applications of this kind ininformetrics and scientific information retrieval.The most promising methods are employed and the extracted information is attached to the documents as metadata.These support a search query, using pseudo relevance feedback, to obtain further relevant search results and canalso be used to derive profiles for authors, faculties, etc. The concepts developed here will serve as a basis for theLeipzig University Research Information System.