There exist numerous investigations on thermodynamic properties of metal-hydrogen, MH, systems both from scientific and industrial interests. Thermodynamic data on MH systems can be derived from pressure-composition-temperature (PCT) measurement, electrode potential-composition-temperature (ECT) measurement, or calorimetry. Among them, ECT measurement is the most direct for determination of thermodynamic data because the relative partial molar Gibbs energy is directly measured. Therefore, this approach has been utilized to estimate thermodynamic properties of MH systems (M ϭ Pd, 1-3 Pd-based alloys, 4-7 and Ni-based alloys 8,9 ). In addition, it only needs very simple apparatus and it is possible to change the hydrogen pressure, even if it is extremely low, instantaneously by controlling the electrode potential. However, the electrochemical approach has a critical disadvantage by its limited temperature range as long as aqueous solutions are used for the electrolyte, so the methods utilizing PCT measurement have been widely employed at high temperatures until now.Concerning the hydrogen source for the electrochemical investigations at high temperatures, H Ϫ ion is produced by dissolution of a saline hydride like LiH in molten salts, such as LiCl-KCl, 10 LiFNaF-KF, 11 and LiI-KI 12 eutectic melts. It is stable in the molten salts and its half-cell reaction, represented by Eq. 1, has been investigated by several research groups 10-14In 1991, Takenaka and Ito 13 found that a small amount of hydrogen was absorbed in an iron electrode by electrochemical anodic oxidation of H Ϫ ion in LiCl-KCl-LiH melts at 673-737 K. By utilizing similar electrochemical hydrogen absorbing reactions in molten salts, it is possible to investigate MH systems at high temperatures. In addition, the use of H Ϫ ion never deprives the advantages of the electrochemical approach. For instance, Ito and Nohira 14 reported that the Ni |H 2 |H Ϫ electrode potential was 0.50 V (vs. Li ϩ /Li) in a molten LiCl-KCl-LiH (2.0 mol % LiH added) system at 673 K. When the Nernst equations applies for this system, hydrogen pressure is equivalent to 3.2 ϫ 10 Ϫ8 atm at an electrode potential of 0 V (vs. Li ϩ /Li), which is the cathodic limit of this melt. It is very difficult for conventional vacuum equipment to achieve such low pressure values.In the present study, the authors have measured detailed ECT relationships of the Ti-H system (TiH x ; 0 < x < 1.8) at 673-773 K. In these experimental conditions, there exist three single phases (␣, , and ␦) and two coexisting phases (␣ ϩ  and  ϩ ␦) according to the phase diagram 15 shown in Fig. 1. The Ti-H system is one of the systems whose thermodynamic properties have been extensively investigated. Nevertheless, few thermodynamic investigations in the high-hydrogen-concentration region were conducted than in the low-hydrogen-concentration region. In this temperature range, Liaw et al. 16 also measured thermodynamic quantities in ␣, ␣ ϩ , and  phases of the Ti-H system by electrochemical methods using LiClKCl-LiH...