Slovak utopianism (and specific social and political philosophy) of the 19th century are unique topics for philosophical research that can be useful especially in an international context. The aim of the research is, using the comparative method, to create a basic overview of utopian concepts of the 19th century in Slovakia in order to highlight their implementation today. The study consists of the following topics: 1) the influence of German philosophy of history (Hegel, Herder, Schelling) on social and political conceptions of the nation and the synthesis of German philosophical influence in the Slovak philosophical context (Kollár, Šafárik, Štúr) and 2) socio-philosophical concepts related to the role of Slovaks in the international context (Feješ, Daxner). The Slovak national utopia, in the form of enforcing the cultural and social rights of Slovaks in their own sovereign state, was partially fulfilled until the 20th century (by the establishment of Czechoslovakia and later by the establishment of the independent Slovak Republic). The Constitution of the Slovak Republic is the proof that originally social utopian visions, that seemed naive and impossible to achieve in the 19th century, became a reality of political practice in the 20th century.