Jejunoileal diverticulosis is a rare entity. Jejunoileal diverticulosis is not a disease that surgeons see often in clinical practice; however, it should remain on the differential diagnosis for any patient with an acute abdomen or gastrointestinal bleeding of unknown origin. It can present with a wide range of clinical scenarios and when patients experience chronic symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, bacterial overgrowth, or malabsorption, medical therapy is successful in most patients. However, when patients present with acute symptoms of bleeding, inflammation, perforation, or obstruction, surgical resection and primary anastomosis is often the treatment of choice. If patients are asymptomatic, they are better left alone, even when discovered incidentally in the operating room. In closing, the possibility of a patient having jejunal diverticular disease should be suspected whenever the symptoms of obscure abdominal pain, anemia, dilated jejunal loops on abdominal radiographs, a history of colonic diverticuli, and a history of acute appendicitis.