The present work describes a three-dimensional RANS investigation of the flow around deflector vanes for noise suppression in separate-flow turbofan engines. The vanes are installed in the bypass duct and deflect the bypass plume downward relative to the core plume. This paper considers a single pair of vanes, with NACA0012 airfoil section, installed in a realistically shaped nozzle operating at static conditions. The axial and transverse forces created by the vanes are computed for various vane angles of attack. It it shown that the thrust loss of the bypass stream ranges from 0.04% with the vanes at zero angle of attack to 0.10% for vanes at 8• angle of attack. For an entire engine with bypass ratio of 5, the corresponding losses are approximately 0.03% and 0.08%. The vanes have an impact of less than 0.025% on the nozzle flow coefficient.
IntroductionThe Fan Flow Deflection (FFD) technology 1 focuses on suppression of "large-scale" turbulent mixing noise from aircraft engines. Large-scale mixing noise is the dominant noise source in turbulent jets. The overarching principle of the FFD technology is reduction of the convective Mach number of turbulent eddies that generate intense downward and sideward sound radiation. In a coaxial separate-flow turbofan engine this is achieved by tilting the bypass (secondary) plume by a few degrees downward relative to the core (primary) plume. Mean flow surveys show that the misalignment of the two flows causes a thick, low-speed secondary core on the underside of the high-speed primary flow, especially in the region near the end of the primary potential core which contains the strongest noise sources. The secondary core reduces the convective Mach number of primary eddies, thus hindering their ability to generate sound that travels to the downward acoustic far field. . It is important, however, to also assess the aerodynamic efficiency of this scheme. This paper describes a computational effort to predict the aerodynamic forces generated by the vanes. The shape of the nozzle approximates that of the separate-flow nozzle tested in NASA Glenn Research Center [3,4]. The size of the nozzle corresponds to that of a full-scale engine producing 50,000 lb of thrust. We examine a generic placement of a single pair of vanes, illustrated in Fig. 2, with a NACA 0012 airfoil section.
Computational Approach Numerical CodeThe computational fluid dynamics code used here is known as PARCAE and solves the unsteady threedimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations on structured multiblock grids using a cell centered finite-volume method with artificial dissipation as proposed by Jameson et al. [5]. Residual smoothing is used to increase stability. Information exchange for flow computation on multiblock grids using multiple CPUs is implemented through the MPI (message passing interface) protocol. The RANS equations are solved using the eddy viscos- The vector W contains the conservative variablesThe fluxes consist of the inviscid convective fluxes F c and the diffusive fluxes F d . F...