The aim of this article is to present the primary types of autothematic media information and its non-informative functions as well as the objects and methods of linguisyic valuation in the messages. Information about the reception of a media offering, information about rewards and successes of a medium, information about non-media undertakings of media broadcasters, and information about an offering were distinguished based on content analysis. By means of a semantic and pragmatic analysis of the expressions used, it was ascertained that the media broadcaster itself is rarely the object of valuation, whereas the events organised by the medium, messages included in its offering, the invited guests and recipients are eagerly granted positive
valuations. The overarching value is the positive relationship between the medium and others, the valuation is normally overt and intensive, and the examined messages perform various kinds of promotional tasks.
Keywords: information – media – autothematicism – function – self-promotion – self-