We introduce the notion of Löwner (ellipsoid) function for a log-concave function and show that it is an extension of the Löwner ellipsoid for convex bodies. We investigate its duality relation to the recently defined John (ellipsoid) function [1]. For convex bodies, John and Löwner ellipsoids are dual to each other. Interestingly, this need not be the case for the John function and the Löwner function. *We include the uniqueness argument for the reader's convenience.
Uniqueness of the John function in Theorem 2. Suppose that max b∈Rthen the solution is unique modulo O(n), by Proposition 3 . Suppose that t 1 , t 2 , T 1 , T 2 are maximizers satisfying2 . Thus we have log t 1 + log det T 1 = log t 2 + log det T 2 .