We are living in an increasingly diverse world, an exciting prospect given that
positive interactions between people from different social groups have numerous
benefits. Unfortunately, however, people often fail to engage in such interactions.
Moreover, there is evidence that prejudice, both at an individual and a societal level,
remains prevalent. To navigate the diverse world in which we live and, in turn, promote
positive intergroup relations, it is important to develop skills and beliefs that will
enable us to engage confidently in cross-group relationships. This article will
highlight research which demonstrates some of the many benefits of engaging in
intergroup contact, from more positive intergroup relations to broader changes in the
way we think. The importance of promoting confidence at engaging in contact and its
potential predictors and outcomes will be considered. Finally,
interventions—specifically extended contact, imagined contact and online contact or
e-contact—will be outlined that can help to make people more confident, and in turn more
likely to engage in successful interactions with people from different backgrounds to