Quantum networking brings together several diverse research areas, such as fiber-optic communication, quantum optics, and quantum information, to achieve capabilities in security, secret sharing, and authentication which are unavailable classically. The development of practical fiber-based quantum networks requires an understanding of the reach, rates, and quality of the entanglement of distributed quantum states. Here, we present a theoretical model describing how the magnitude and orientation of polarization dependent loss (PDL), a common impairment in fiber-optic networks, affects the entanglement quality of distributed quantum states. Furthermore, we theoretically characterize how PDL in one fiber channel can be optimally applied in order to nonlocally compensate for the PDL present in another channel. We present experimental results that verify our theoretical model. Index Terms-Optical fiber communication, quantum entanglement. I. INTRODUCTION Q UANTUM networks promise to offer functionalities unavailable classically by using distributed quantum entanglement as a resource [1]. Essential to the development of a quantum network is the ability to create, manipulate, and distribute entanglement between distant nodes [2]. It would be desirable to leverage the vast deployed fiber optics infrastructure for entanglement distribution. However, entanglement is fragile, and a greater understanding of how transmission through fibers and fiber components affects entanglement quality is required in order to successfully develop a fiber-based quantum network. Specifically, for the distribution of polarization-entangled states, polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and polarization dependent loss (PDL) are the two principal effects which must be accounted for [3]-[5]. While the PDL of the fibers itself is often low, PDL is commonly found in optical components, such as isolators, multiplexers, and couplers, where the attenuations of the two orthogonal polarization modes can differ. The effects of PDL in classical communication have been thoroughly investigated over the