“…Their concept of ‘Marenginae’ included all African genera treated in this study, except for Ballus and the related genus Pachyballus (represented by Ballus chalybeius and B. segmentatus in my cladistic analysis). In this study I suggest that they should be included in Ballinae. - Length of the embolus: (0) Short and stout, less than one spiral (Figs 5A–F, 7A, B); (1) one spiral but less than two (Figs 8A–D, 11B, C, 15A, B, 24A, 28B, 31A–D, 38D, E, 42A, B, 45A, B); (2) more than two spirals (Figs 48A, B, 49A, B, 52A, B, 55A, B, 57A–C, 58A, C, D; Wesolowska & Russell‐Smith, 2000: figs 172−174).
- Path of the sperm duct: (0) C‐shaped (Figs 5A–F, 11B, C, 17A, 21B, C, 25A, 31A–D, 45A, B, G, H, 60B, C, 65B, C, E, F, 68E, F); (1) S‐shaped (Figs 38D, E, 41E, F, 42A, B, 48A, B, 49A, B, 55A, B, 57A, B; Wesolowska & Russell‐Smith, 2000: figs 172−174).
- Proximal end of embolus modified to a possible pseudo‐conductor: (0) absent; (1) present. This modification of the proximal part of the embolus, termed the pseudo‐conductor (pc), is reported for the first time in this study.