Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman, pemaknaan serta pengalaman wartawan televisi pada saat peliputan kerusuhan Aksi 22 Mei. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori fenomenologi Alfred Schutz. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan paradigma konstuktivis dengan metode studi fenomenologi. Informan dalam penelitian ini merupakan wartawan televisi INews TV, Net TV, Kompas TV, RTV, Jawa Pos TV, TVOne, dan CNN Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan,bahwa wartawan televisi memahami peliputan kerusuhan Aksi 22 Mei yaitu definisi peliputan kerusuhan Aksi 22 Mei, etika peliputan kerusuhan dan posisi peliputan wartawan. Wartawan televisi juga memaknai peliputan kerusuhan Aksi 22 Mei yaitu pentingnya peran wartawan televisi dan mendahulukan humanisme. Berdasarkan pengalamannya yaitu adanya hambatan peliputan, intimidasi dan diskriminasi serta keselamatan peliputan.
This study aims to determine the understanding, interpretation, and experience of television reporters during the rioting of the May 22 Action. The theory used is Alfred Schutz's phenomenology theory. This research uses a qualitative approach and uses a constructivist paradigm with phenomenological study methods. The informants in this study were television reporters from INews TV, Net TV, Kompas TV, RTV, Jawa Pos TV, TVOne, and CNN Indonesia. This study concludes that television journalists understand the May 22 riots coverage, namely the definition of May 22 riots coverage, the ethics of riot reporting, and the position of journalists covering. Television reporters also interpreted the reporting of the May 22 riots, namely the importance of the role of television journalists and prioritizing humanism. Based on his experience, there are barriers to coverage, intimidation, and discrimination, as well as safety of coverage.