This paper analyzes the concept of nature‐based solutions as instruments to turn anthromes more nature compatible, efficient, causing less degradation, and developing new biodiversity hotspots. It is mainly focused on solutions using living organisms (in particular plants and microorganisms) to perform functions such as those of soil‐ and water‐bioengineering interventions in order to ensure the safety of human infrastructures and constructions in contexts of conflict between natural processes and human needs. Further, it handles the problematic of reintroducing natural processes and functions in the built environment (urban, industrial, infrastructures, etc.) in order to recover, recreate, or reinvent nature in humanized landscapes and developing a more creative relation between humans and natural elements, processes, and functions. It presents, furthermore, the contribution of natural solutions to a wide variety of decontamination processes and prevention and recovery of degraded land and natural resources. Finally, we discuss the way these solutions can be implemented and the cultural, organizational, administrative and governance, paradigmatic, and practice changes it implies. Examples are given on the different issues presented as well on the possible implementation solutions.